Model situation No. 2 - Booking is closed / There are no free dates left

It's true that the dates I offer on Instagram disappear very quickly and unfortunately my calendar is still not Hermione's purse (I wish!).

However, even this situation has a simple solution!

If you don't get into the booking for a specific month, nothing happens and we can definitely see each other in the next one!

Just send me an email ( or use the form down there on page. Emails serve as a waiting list and every time I open a booking for the following month, I read them first.

You are thus guaranteed to get a priority date and we will meet at studio anyway, just maybe a month later!

How can I make an appointment?

Easy! There are two options!

What matters the most is WHEN you write - is the booking open or closed?

Model situation #1 - Booking for month xy is open!

You can always find out about this on my Instagram, where you can write to me whenever I have free dates and there is no need to wait for emails!

If you catch the date, all communication is already through messages, from start to finish!

I've never been a fan of long forms and I don't enjoy filling them out myself... At the same time, I care about personal communication with each of you. I really appreciate the fact, that you like my art and you want it to wear it on your skin, so I want to get to know you a little before we meet face to face in the studio.

So, in the case of an open booking (on instagram page) with an offer of dates, you don't have to delay anything and message me directly on Instagram!

What should I write to you?

Your whole idea!

Anything you can think of regarding your new tattoo!

First of all, I assume you know my portfolio and the themes I work with, so if that's what you're looking for, we'll definitely get along!

Feel free to include some references or what you already like from me!

Quite often I also get a free hand from you, which I really appreciate, and even in that case I will need basic information like:

  • motive

  • location

  • +- size (it doesn't have to be in millimeters, I'll have more options ready for you in the studio anyway, so we'll choose the best one together in front of the mirror) e-mail, telephone number and nick on Instagram (especially if you write to me via the form or via e-mail at the time of the closed booking)

And of course you can also add a few details about yourself, or why are you interested in my work. Or what you had for lunch. Everything counts!

So we should at least have the basic info in a nutshell and if you have any additional questions for me, definitely don't hesitate to contact me!

Thank you for your attention and also for all the trust with which you come to me.

I appreciate you and the projects we do together because you are the main reason why I love my job. Despite the fact that I am not a very social person by nature, I have the most magical social bubble and I meet very nice and inspiring people every day!

Thanks for that and see you in the studio if you want!

What is the waiting time for an appointment?

The standard waiting time is usually 3-5 months.

I don't open bookings for a longer time, because I'm a person who has no idea what I will have for breakfast tomorrow, let alone what will happen six months later!

Sometimes a date becomes available during a closed booking, and in that case I offer it directly on Instagram.


If it is a one-day project or a clearly defined topic, there is no need for a personal consultation, we always solve everything together before the session via messages. I usually send tattoo designs at least 2-3 days in advance.

In the case of larger projects that will take several sessions or if they are more complex, we can arrange a personal consultation and discuss everything together in advance!